Drone Search

Drones have offered a significant enhancement in search and rescue operations in recent years and continue to evolve to offer a more advanced search capability, Specialist Search Dogs can send drones to support dog teams that have been deployed.

When are
Drones used?

Drones have offered a significant enhancement in search and rescue operations in recent years and continue to evolve to offer a more advanced search capability, Specialist Search Dogs can send drones to support dog teams that have been deployed. A drone team can be used to provide a reconnaissance capability in order to inform the search team of terrain. This data can be used to map out a search area and where appropriate, highlight areas of interest that need further investigation by the dog teams.

Drones can provide real time data through a variety of scanning capabilities to help search and rescue operations. This can include infrared and thermal imaging enabling searching at day or night. A major advantage of drone searches is the speed in which they can cover an area, especially where the locations have accessibility issues.

Specialist Search Dogs provides fully qualified and insured drone pilots and all equipment to be able to allow a drone search to succeed including facilities to play back drone footage.